Sloth: slowly evolving utilities for x-ray spectroscopists

Sloth is a collection of utilities (library) oriented to X-ray optics and data reduction/analysis for XAS (XANES/EXAFS), XES and RIXS techniques.

Current version is 2022.12.


In the current status, the library is not stable enough to be used in production environments. It performs as a partial random snapshot of daily research in X-ray instrumentation and still-to-implement ideas (mainly due to lack of time). Feel free to use/hack it and do not hesitate to drop me a line if you find them useful. Furthermore, I appreciate if you could report bugs, enhancements or comments directly in Github Issues


Step-by-step guide to installation.

Personal Git-related notes

Personal notes on Git.

Notes on the data model

How the data are structured (from file to memory and back).


List of changes.


Documentation automatically built from the docstrings of the packages included in sloth.
